Kevin O'Donnell

I love technology, both for its promise and occasionally for its beauty. More importantly I love building things.

My handle "scealiontach" is from the Irish scéal iontach, which means a great story. I speak a little bit of Irish, but just don't ask me to direct a light opera.

My Work

Traditionally, I build software for infrastructure, but for me that also extends to the more abstract aspects of data management, event driven architectures, and system architecture. I have a recurring interest in graph oriented data, declarative systems, and the management of data, and complex distributed systems.

Quite a lot of my work is closed source and private, but the last few years I have been working in the open, so here is a selection of that work.


Chronicle is an open-source, blockchain-backed, domain-agnostic provenance platform

With BTP, I kicked off Chronicle as a way to bring together the immutable properties of blockchain with the best representation of provenance data I know of: W3C's PROV-O


daml-on-sawtooth is an integration of the DAML smart contract runtime engine, created and open sourced by Digital Asset, with Hyperledger Sawtooth blockchain as the backing DLT.


daml-on-besu is functionally the same as daml-on-sawtooth but implemented on top of Besu, the Java based Ethereum client.


shell-scripts is a collection of various useful scripts and a broad framework of script libraries which I developed for BTP and which is now open-source. Use at your own risk, but there is some good stuff in there.

Interesting Things

There are too many interesting things to list all of them but here are a some of my current favorites.


Regardless of how one may feel about these folks, they know what they are doing. Emissary is a pretty fascinating project which reminds me a bit of WAVE-R, at least in intent.


Tim Berners-Lee's vision of returning data control to the hands of those who own it.


Sovrin is "a public service utility enabling self-sovereign identity on the Internet. The Sovrin Network is decentralized, meaning individuals can collect, hold, and choose which identity credentials —such as a driver's license or employment credential—without relying on individual siloed databases that manage the access to those credentials."


So, one day I had to sharpen up my typescript/javascript skills, so that I could give more concrete direction and assistance to my UI developers. I couldn't bear the thought of ploughing through another book designed for web-development types, particularly when what we were up to was backend API development. Instead, I found Bitburner.

AI Musing & Tinkering

I've been putting together collection of reference datasets, guides, articles and projects tracking my tinkering with various aspects of contemporary AI and Machine Learning.

Where you can find me

Don't get excited. I'm not a big social media type.